Costa Rica
Travel Isn’t Always Super Glamorous
Ok, don't get me wrong - travel is super fun and awesome. Everyone should take opportunities to travel if they can. You learn about new cultures and experiences; you meet new people who you otherwise would never have met in your life. Blah blah blah - you get it....
One of These Things Is Not Like the Other
I woke up this morning at 6:30am to the sound of birds chirping. Like it was super cute two weeks ago. It was all, "so Costa Rican" and super "Pura Vida!" But now? Stop being so chirpy. Go back to sleep, silly birds. I decided to take advantage of the early morning...
The Sketchiest Airport I’ve Ever Seen
My time in Tamarindo officially came to a close. Since it's about a 5 hour drive back to San Jose, I opted for a flight from the Tamarindo airport to San Jose. Let's discuss this "airport." I arrived at...
Livin’ the Luxe Life
You know how little kids get sleepy and start crying? That was basically me a few days ago. Though no tears were shed, I wore myself out and needed to recharge. So after two consecutive nights of 8+ hours of sleep in a peaceful hotel, I was feeling a lot better about...
3,000 Colones For 2 Kilos of Laundry
Though I've only been traveling for two weeks (are we sure it hasn't been longer??), one of the hardest things I've found has been doing the common stuff you take for granted back home. Namely laundry. After hiking in Monteverde and incessantly sweating in Tamarindo,...
A Scorpion Snuggle Buddy
Spoiler alert: today was a hard day. I woke up at 6:30am to begin packing with my roommates. Shout out to Jaade and Allie for being stellar roommates for the week. It was such a great experience to have girls that I could talk surf with. From carving techniques, tan...
Surfing Graduation
Today was another great day of surfing on the waves. Still working on the same things: drop-ins, carving into the wave, riding rail to rail. But overall, I've really enjoyed my time at Witch's Rock Surf Camp. Honestly, I can't recommend it enough. The surf instructors...
4-Wheeling Back Roads of Costa Rica
Today was my 5th day of surfing, and my progress is completely evident. Though I still have a few lingering bruises, they're mostly gone. My muscles feel stronger and aren't sore from paddling against brutal wave breaks. My drop-ins are solid, and I'm now focusing on...
Raining Gatos y Perros
I woke up at 7am to the sound of aggressive lightning and thunder. A nasty storm had rolled in making the waves choppy and unpredictable. Us campers gathered in the overhead patio restaurant to wait out the storm. When we realized that it wasn't going to clear out...
Surf, Eat, Sleep, Repeat.
I've determined that beach life is the life for me. Waking up early and having the ocean to yourself, hearing just the rhythmic waves crashing against the beach, wearing yourself out with some good surf runs, and scarfing down a huge breakfast..... *siiiiigh* Yep, I'm...
Bruises on Bruises on Bruises
I'm sensing a pattern to surfing: exciting ... but exhausting. If you know me pretty well, then you'd know I bruise easily. So throw clumsy surfing to the list of activities? I basically look like a bruised peach. Super cute. When you paddle to catch a wave, you're...
1st Day of Surf School
You have to understand something about me: I do not know how to surf. At all. So obviously I was a little nervous that I was going to fail miserably. My foam board was large, and being 5'6" and 110 lbs, there wasn't a whole lot of power behind my body getting that...
Stop Showing Off, Tamarindo.
Today was my last day in Santa Elena. I was really excited to head to Tamarindo (located on Costa Rica's Pacific coast) to begin my surf school, but I was sad to say goodbye to this little town. I had grown to love the hospitality, the beauty, and the serenity. If I'm...
¡Pura Vida!
Here in Costa Rica, there's an expression that you'll frequently hear. Either as a greeting or a thanks, you'll hear, "¡Pura Vida!" The translation is Pure Life, and it means to not worry about the things that you cannot change. You must live in the moment and be...
The World’s Smallest Orchid
For my 2nd full day in Costa Rica, I actually didn't have a plan for the day. Shocking, I know. Meagan Tilley without a plan. How will the world still turn?? I basically was just going to wander the small town of Santa Elena and see what I could find. But before I...
Zip Lines and Hanging Bridges with Sky Adventures in the Monteverde Cloud Forest
I flew into Juan Santamaría International, the airport outside of San Jose, on a rainy afternoon. Because I decided to visit Costa Rica in the low season, that also meant I would be visiting during the rainy season. A small price to pay for cheaper hotels and a bit of...
Hiking Through the Hanging Bridges of Monteverde
This morning I woke up bright and early in Monteverde to the sound of exotic birds chirping through the open window of my 2nd floor hostel. How very Costa Rica, amiright? I went down to the kitchen where fruit was prepared for breakfast. On my plate was an assortment...
6am International Flights Are the Worst
The 2:30am alarm stabbed my silent bedroom, and I awoke with a jolt. As I sloppily yawned against my pillow, I thought that I had just gone to bed. Oh wait. That’s because I had. Meagan’s Travel Advice: waking up for 6am international flights suck. I gave myself a few...
The Beginning: Ready or Not
As I roamed the open-air markets of Greece while the sun set off in the distance, I tried to blink back tears. This was two years ago and my first trip across international borders. I had just spent a month in Europe and felt that parts of my spirit were awakening....