A Bit of Brunch

It’s official – Tama and I are in such chill moods. We’ve both been pretty hectic lately, and we just can’t seem to motivate each other to do anything productive. More often than not, we encourage each other to not do anything. We all need...

Jet Skiing My First Full Day in Auckland

Back in Indonesia, Tama and I had our routine. I would go lay out by the pool, he would sleep in until about 11am, and then we’d both meet up and grab brunch. We did this for weeks. Though we’re not in Indonesia anymore but instead in Auckland, part of that routine is...

Goodbye Melbourne. Or Should I Say See You Later …

I woke up at 9am, and realized that I slept for 11 hours. I can’t even remember the last time I slept for that long! I felt perky and fresh as a daisy. My flight to Auckland wasn’t until 6:50pm, so that gave me the whole day to still enjoy Melbourne. When I asked JR...

Happy Australia Day! (I Ate Vegemite)

I find it quite appropriate that my last full day in Australia is Australia Day. I don’t think you understand – if I wasn’t American, I’d want to be Australian. Hands down, no contest. I’ve fallen in love with the beaches, the water, the sun, the slang, the...

A Day of Oscar Nominated Movies

The secret about long-term travel that bloggers don’t tell you: there’s a lot of down time. I mean, don’t get me wrong – it’s super easy to fill up each and every day with something insanely cool and exciting. But the truth is, most of us don’t have the budget...