I’ll Always Find a Botanical Garden

Ever since I was little girl (no, not three days ago – though it sometimes feels like it), I’ve loved gardening. Seeing something that you’ve tenderly cared for and watching it bloom is a really satisfying feeling. I can still remember the horror of...

Singing Christmas Carols While Wearing Shorts

Being in Sydney while leading up to Christmas has been an … interesting experience. And by “interesting” I mean different. Just very different. Check out this magazine spread: It obviously is not to say that one is better than the other. I’ve...

An Iconic Day at Bondi Beach

You know what’s crazy? When you’ve seen something on Instagram for years, and then you see it in real life. It’s happened on this trip time and time again, but it never gets old. Seeing something beautiful and iconic with your own eyes — to be...

Bringing the Free Walking Tour Back

I had every intention of going out surfing this morning. I woke up at 6am, threw on my swimsuit and day clothes, grabbed my pre-made breakfast smoothie, and headed out the door. And then I realized that it was actually quite cold outside. Like, preeeeetty cold....

“You’re Not From Here, Are Ya?”

I don’t often get to sleep in a room by myself. Bouncing from hostel to hostel, I often share a room with somewhere between 4 to 16 other roommates. And though I’ve found ways to block out the noise (white noise apps or ear plugs), I still manage to wake...