It’s hard to believe that I’ve already been in Australia for five weeks. On the one hand, I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface of Australia. But yet on another hand, I feel like I’ve been here for months.
One thing I know for sure: so many beaches, so little time.
It was time to say goodbye to my brief stay in Cairns and continue on towards Melbourne – my last city in Australia. Every time I have a flight, I feel like I’m always running around trying to finish errands before I need to leave. This morning was no different. But alas, I made it to the airport with plenty of time to spare.
I was super hungry that morning, and I was tempted to get a burger from Hungry Jack’s (which is actually Burger King – super confusing), but it was only 10:30am in the morning. So instead, I settled for an egg and bacon muffin.
For the first time in my life, I was actually upgraded a seat. I mean, nothing fancy like Business, but I got an exit row and priority boarding. And you now what? I’ll take it.
I was flipping through the airline magazine that they provide in the seat pocket, and I noticed that there’s an Impressionist exhibit on tour right now. But you know what’s crazy? … I’ve been to Musee d’Orsay while in Paris. Realizing stuff like that still baffles me. How is this my life??
When I arrived into Melbourne, I was so excited to see my friend who was picking me up. Ready for a blast from the past? It was my friend JR from the Topdeck trip I took 2 1/2 years ago.
Here are some photos from the Topdeck trip. He loved to make fun of my “eager face.”
It was so trippy seeing him again after all of this time! You know what I find the oddest part about seeing friends after long periods apart? I’m always surprised that their voice sounds exactly like I remembered.
Unfortunately, we didn’t think to take another updated photo together. So that’s too bad.
JR took me to St. Kilda which he said was a cool but overly touristy area. I don’t super care about the touristy part because he took me to see penguins. And I am ALL about seeing penguins.
Let’s discuss this rough lookin’ guy:
After that, we hung out for the rest of the evening catching up on life and our adventures.
I will forever love travel friendships. Time and distance never matter.