When in Belfast, Watch a Hockey Game?

Today Bryce and I said goodbye to Dublin as we took a 2-hour bus ride up to Northern Ireland. The bus ride was actually quite comfortable! The seats were super swaggy, it was a good temperature, and there was tons of room to spread out. Another great bus ride experience! But let’s be honest, buses will never replace my love for trains.

Side note – I’m going to be like one of those old grandpas who are obsessed with trains and take their grandkids to really weird train museums. But I think I’m ok with that.

We arrived into Belfast late afternoon and had zero plans for the rest of the day. We started flipping through some brochures when I spotted something about hockey.

“Um excuse me, whaaaat?”

You see, back home I’m a big hockey fan. I love the Dallas Stars, and I try to go to as many games as possible. And since I’m traveling, I haven’t been able to see a single game.

We looked up the dates almost as a joke when we realized that there was a game that night. In like – three hours. And that’s when we purchased tickets to see the Belfast Giants play again the Guildford Flames.

The game was quite good (though not nearly as fast-paced as the NHL), and the Giants delivered a home win. But let me just say – hockey over here is a little lot different. Like, it’s very civil. At the end of the game they shake hands, and the losing team even announces an MVP. But oddest of all – the refs broke up every potential fight.

And then we left the arena to brave the cold, rainy weather again. Bryce bought me a sweater back in the States and packed it with him. I’ve been wearing it basically every day paired with my rain jacket. I’m not made out for this cold weather business.

Featured photo | Bryce Librizzi

Hi, I’m so glad you’re on my site! My name is Meagan, and I write about my traveling adventures and finding beauty in each day. For more info about me, click here!

Meagan Tilley

I believe that every day is a day that matters – even just enjoying the little things. Whether that’s traveling to the top cities across the world or binge watching Gilmore Girls. To read more, click the About Me page!

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