Carlos Went Flyin’

Having now been in Valencia for a week, I feel like I’ve reached local status. I’ve scoped out the best restaurants and gelato shops, I’ve haggled for better deals, and I’ve frequented the laundromat more times than I would have preferred.

So when the gang wanted to see the city of Valencia, I felt qualified to give the grand tour. Minus the extensive history. If they’re dying to know, they can Google it.

I took them to the Valencia Cathedral and told them why there’s a Star of David leading into the catholic church. I showed them the ruins that were discovered when people began extending their homes further down. I pointed out the three strange gargoyles standing on the silk trade building. And lastly, I took them to Micalet Bell Tower where we climbed 207 steps to see the best view of Valencia.

And after this very extensive guided tour, I didn’t even get tips at the end. tsk tsk those goodfernothin’s 😉

Then we had another round of naps. Maybe siestas aren’t that bad after all.

Later that night, we took Carlos the piñata back out to the rooftop terrace. It was time for Carlos to say adios.

But here’s the thing: blindfolds and rooftops are sort of a dangerous combo.

The plan was to have Mike aim towards the two back walls behind Carlos. You know, away from the 6-story drop off. After giving several valiant swings, Mike finally made a connection to Carlos’ head … and flung him right off of the rooftop.

Luckily Carlos didn’t go flying down and hit some poor stranger’s head on the street below. Instead, Carlos made a safe landing on the rooftop terrace next door. Looks like our birthday party is turning into a search and rescue party.

Hi, I’m so glad you’re on my site! My name is Meagan, and I write about my traveling adventures and finding beauty in each day. For more info about me, click here!

Meagan Tilley

I believe that every day is a day that matters – even just enjoying the little things. Whether that’s traveling to the top cities across the world or binge watching Gilmore Girls. To read more, click the About Me page!

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  1. Anna T.

    Lol I’m imagining a flying piñata

    • Meagan Tilley

      Hahaha! It was quite epic for sure.