One new development – I’m now in a hotel. I’m currently using Busabout for accommodations/tickets to the festival because I figured it would be more convenient. I was especially happy of that decision when the bed bugs became a nightmare. Sometimes luxuries are needed.
I went to check into my new lodging, and they told me that I was one of the last to check-in. Therefore I was in the last room. But I was also the last person on the roster. So – I got the room all to myself. Which is magical.
Here’s the thing: why can’t normal life also be festival life? I just really want to wear glitter, crazy eyeliner, and pigtail buns every day. Like why can’t this be socially acceptable on a normal basis?
Jo and I headed back to Sziget for another day of amazing lineups. But to be honest, I didn’t take that many pictures or videos today (or like at all). I just wanted to be in the moment for the day.
But the gist of it – it was a really, really, really good day.
If it was socially acceptable, I would come to work looking like a hippie. Beard. Long Hair. The whole 9 yards. 🙂