Czech Republic
Errands and Golden Hours
Well. The gang has been disbanded. But I won't get too dramatic because our itineraries bring us back together in Valencia. I'm not even going to pretend like I did much today. I mean, I did plenty of things, but mostly on my computer. I spent a majority of today...
I Ate Raw Beef
Oh, you definitely read that title right - I 1000% ate raw beef. However, it was a little more sophisticated than that. I had steak tartare. For those who don't know what it is: And yup, I had the egg yolk on top as well. It was so weird to look at the meat on the...
“You May Say I’m A Dreamer …”
When I first started my trip, I loved getting a jump start on the day. I was all about those early morning hours, you know? But now -- ehhhhhh. I take a much more lazy casual approach. It’s not that I don’t like seeing things. It’s just that I instead like to eat a...
Feeling Jazzed About Prague
When I arrive into a new city, I like to jump right into seeing the sights. I generally reserve a spot on a walking tour and get a broad foundation of the city. Tour leaders always know the best route to see main attractions in an effective manner. And I like...