Taking Topdeck | Barcelona

People from all around the world sign up to travel with Topdeck. After spending day after day with these fellow Topdeckers, I can honestly say that I cannot imagine doing this trip without them. I thought I would take the city of Barcelona as an opportunity to introduce you to a few of us on tour. I present to you:

Barcelona through the eyes of Topdeckers


Photos by: Meagan Tilley (me!)

I’m from the United States, and this trip was the first time for me to travel internationally. I wanted to travel to Europe because this seemed liked the best time in my life to take off and see a bit of the world. Topdeck was the perfect solution to see the world and find community with travelers like me.


Photos by: Victoria Cremonesi Giraldelli

Victoria is from the beautiful, vibrant country of Brazil. Her laugh fills the hearts of everyone around her, and the tour is better with her on it. She heard about Topdeck through her travel agent. After being on this tour, she plans on returning to Brazil and telling all of her friends about Topdeck.


Photos by: Gabrielle Rice

Gabby is a New Zealander who’s the mum of the tour. She’s always prepared to pull out a selfie stick for group photos in every city. Because of her and the group photos she takes, we all have pictures to cherish and remember for the future. After living in London for a year and a half, she plans on returning home to New Zealand and getting married in November! Congrats Gab!


Photos by: Jason Russell

Jason is a solid guy from Australia. He’s currently moving back home to Melbourne after living in London for a year and a half. He decided to take a Topdeck tour and see Europe before he headed back to the other side of the world.


Photos by: Phoebe Lang

Phoebe is a New Zealander and a great friend. She’s currently transitioning her life in a move to London. She’s putting the packing boxes on hold to see a bit of Europe first. Once this tour is over, she plans to take on surfing in Portugal or Croatia.


Photos by: Taylor Yankos

Taylor is probably one of the most confident and capable travelers I’ve ever met. She lived in France as a student and has been traveling around Europe ever since (five months!). She heads back home to Australia mid-July after having visited 15 countries!


Photos by: Rochelle Ralph

Rochelle is a beam of sunshine. She’s a beautiful Australian with a heart of gold. She decided to travel with Topdeck because it was the longest tour with all of the cities that she wanted to see. She plans to continue on exploring London before she heads home.


Photos by: Mark Harrison

Mark is my favorite English gentleman. He’s from York, and his accent makes my day. He had a bit of time saved up off work and decided to take the plunge and tour with Topdeck. He found Topdeck online and thought, “why not?!”


Topdeck was probably the best decision I ever made. Taking the plunge and meeting these “strange” people has turned into such great memories and friendships. If you’re on the  fence, let me push you over. You should do it.


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Hi, I’m so glad you’re on my site! My name is Meagan, and I write about my traveling adventures and finding beauty in each day. For more info about me, click here!

Meagan Tilley

I believe that every day is a day that matters – even just enjoying the little things. Whether that’s traveling to the top cities across the world or binge watching Gilmore Girls. To read more, click the About Me page!

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