Time for a Little R&R
After being wrecked by Sziget, Jo and I were ready for some solid rest and relaxation. Literal footage of me: So I started my post-Sziget day by sleeping in until noon. When Jo messaged me to say that a Thai massage down the street costs $30 for 1 hour, I couldn't...
Final Day at Sziget
Today was a bittersweet day. It was the last day of Sziget. And though I've loved almost every minute of it, I'm completely exhausted. Either the festival stops or my body stops. It's one or the other. This music festival was above and beyond what I imagined. It's...
I Met a Guy From Dallas and Cried
Here's the deal - I'm homesick for random things. Like Blue Bell. Tex-Mex. People who understand what real sweet tea is. It's not that I'm ready to come home, but it's that I miss familiarity. So when I noticed the American flag proudly flapping in the wind, I got...
You Can’t Sit With Us
I tell ya, sometimes I have crap luck. For instance, my hotel kicked me out. Okay, so maybe it wasn't that dramatic. But it basically was. Due to me having two different bookings at the hotel, I had to change rooms halfway through the week. Not a problem, whatsoever....
Being on Shoulders Is the Best
So get this - after almost 3 months of travel, I finally used my GoPro for the first time. And I'm a little upset at myself that it's taken me this long because it was SO easy to capture a really fantastic day at the festival. [gallery type="rectangular" size="medium"...
All the Glitter, Please.
One new development - I'm now in a hotel. I'm currently using Busabout for accommodations/tickets to the festival because I figured it would be more convenient. I was especially happy of that decision when the bed bugs became a nightmare. Sometimes luxuries are...
Day 1 of Sziget Festival
It's no secret that I've been looking forward to this music festival for over a year. So now that I've finally made it over to Budapest for the festival, you betta believe I'mma be twerking for a week straight. The best thing about this week? Jo. Jo was my bunkmate...
My Hostel Has Bed Bugs
Summary: bed bugs suck. Late last night I started feeling an itchiness to my back and arms, but I didn't think much of it. When I noticed that the itchiness was staying in consistent places, I figured I should check it out. I got out of bed at like 3am to check my...
Oh Look, Another Train.
And just like that - time to leave another city. I loved my time in Prague, and I will definitely want to come back and continue exploring. I'd say it's top four of my favorite cities thus far. Before I headed out for my train, I found this gem: And though I'm very...