Taking Topdeck | Paris

Paris was one of the leading cities during the Age of Enlightenment, which makes sense of why this city has the ability to  stir your soul’s core. As I walked down the busy boulevards of Paris and passed its incomparable architecture, I began to feel inspired...

Taking Topdeck | Off to London

By the time I landed in London, I was ready to put the airport behind me. My nervous nausea turned into just simple nausea. I was exhausted from sleeping in my 90 degree angle on the plane, and I had a long day ahead of me in London. But as soon as I stepped off the...

My Topdeck To-Do List

When I decided to book the Road to Athens tour with Topdeck, my first immediate question was, “Will this tour help cross things off my travel To-Do list? And how many things?!” I know, how very Type A of me. But crossing things off my list isn’t...

Why Travel with Topdeck?

  After making my decision to travel to Europe this summer, I’ve been getting the same question a lot lately: “Are you going to Europe by yourself??” If you’re anything like me, then you have a huge desire … (cough) obsession (cough) … to travel and...